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gpteasyr 0.5.0

  • Switch from gpt-3.5-turbo as cheapest default to gpt-4o-mini
  • Updated README and documentations
  • fix an issue that can lead to integer overflow in write_jsonl_files.
  • Added file_* family of functions

gpteasyr 0.4.0

  • Added file_upload, batch_create, batch_status, batch_cancel, batch_list, and batch_result functions to manage batch queries accordingly to OpenAi API specification.
  • Added create_jsonl_records, and write_jsonl_files functions to compose ‘jsonl’ files useful for batch queries accordingly to API specification. Model’s options are available like for query_gpt, gpt_query_on_column, and get_completion_from_messages.

gpteasyr 0.3.0

  • Changed name and repo to ‘CorradoLanera/gpteasyr’.

gpteasyr 0.2.9

  • Added setup_py function to setup python backend.
  • update README

gpteasyr 0.2.8

  • Added use_py argument to gpt_query, gpt_query_on_column, and get_completion_from_messages

gpteasyr 0.2.7

  • Added closing argument to compose_usr_prompt, compose_prompt, and create_usr_data_prompter functions, to allow add text at the very end of the prompt, i.e., after the embedded text.

gpteasyr 0.2.5

  • Added seed argument to gpt_query, gpt_query_on_column, and get_completion_from_messages functions.

gpteasyr 0.2.4

  • Now create_usr_data_prompter can accept a custom delimiter.
  • Default delimiter changed from four quotes ("""") to three quotes (""").

gpteasyr 0.2.3

  • stream = FALSE hard coded (for the moment) on get_completion_from_messages.
  • column name for results in gpt_query_on_columns is now customizable.
  • Now gpt_query_on_columns returns the original tibble with the column added to it, including an option add to return the result as a new tibble with a single column only (when add = FALSE).
  • Add progress bar to gpt_query_on_column functions.

gpteasyr 0.2.2

  • hot-fix old calls to match.arg(model) in gpt_query and gpt_query_on_column functions.

gpteasyr 0.2.1

  • Add option to return NA when the API returns an error; this apply on gpt_query and gpt_query_on_column functions only (i.e., not to the base get_completion_from_messages function).

gpteasyr 0.2.0

  • Removed dependency from openai in favor of httr and jsonlite directly
  • Now queries can be made to personalized endpoints.
  • create_usr_data_prompter now works with empty characters (treated as NULL).
  • Now compose_prompt_api correctly manage empty prompts.

gpteasyr 0.1.1

  • 100% coverage passed
  • Activated all tests on CI

gpteasyr 0.1.0

  • All functions tested.
  • Prompt compositors (i.e., compose_prompt, compose_usr_prompt, compose_sys_prompt, and create_usr_data_prompter) now always return a character vector (possibly of length 0).
  • query_gpt_on_column now accepts sys_prompt and usr_prompt arguments to customize the user and system prompts. (fix #1)
  • Changed functions names to more uniform. I.e., compose_prompt_user and compose_prompt_system now are called compose_usr_prompt and compose_sys_prompt; while usr_msg and sys_msg arguments now are called usr_prompt and sys_prompt. (fix #2)
  • Added zzz.R with startup messages checking for API keys.
  • Update README with examples of usage.
  • Setup development environment.
  • Initial setup from CorradoLanera/gpt-template.